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Aerial Seed & Fertilizer Broadcasting


Aerial seeding and broadcasting open new horizons in agriculture by offering opportunities in areas where traditional tractors face limitations. These innovative practices allow for the precise scattering of seeds or fertilizers from the air, reaching terrains that are inaccessible or challenging for conventional farming equipment. Drones and aircraft can navigate over uneven or remote landscapes without causing damage to the crops below, offering a solution for challenging terrains or sensitive crops. This versatility enhances the scope of agricultural activities, enabling farmers to efficiently cover vast or hard-to-reach areas while minimizing potential harm to existing crops. Aerial seeding not only expands the reach of agricultural operations but also promotes sustainable practices by reducing soil compaction and overall environmental impact.

Access Steep Terrain

Access Marshland& Wet Areas


Fertilize without Damaging Crop

Aerial Seed Wet Areas

Marshland Seeding

Have an area on your farm that is consistently too wet? Or in the middle of a flood year on the river? If you can't get a tractor to any marshland for any reason, aerial seeding provides the perfect application to still get your farm seed to attact waterfowl. Millet grows incredibly well in wet conditions and requires minimal seed to soil contact.

TIMBER Seeding

Have a timber hold that you can flood? Or a timber area that holds water when the river is high? Change the habitat by aerial broadcasting in some millet and watch the ducks find your secluded timber hole for some incredible hunts!

Have hills or eroded Land that is providing little to no recreational value?

Frost seed in some prairie grasses to add significant wildlife value to your farm.  Hold deer and birds in more areas on your farm than ever before by planting areas that traditional methods can not achieve. 

Seed any terrain

seed any size grass seed

ideal frost seed application


interseed your grain foodplots with late season crops like clover, biologic, or Japanese millet

Double the nutritional output of your foodplots by interseeding! Drones make this simple and efficient by providing precision boardcast application without damaging the standing crops.  

Clover or biologic over standing beans or corn provide deer a variety of options to attract deer to the same foodplot all season long

japanese millet over standing corn or sorghum create next level duck holes that attract all types of ducks during all parts of the season

Have a freshly seeded field that needs overseeded or fertilized without damaging the field?

no unsightly tire marks that seem to never go away

Preceision level application to ensure even distribution of seed or fertilizer for a uniform professional look

Have a freshly seeded field that needs overseeded or fertilized without damaging the field?

no unsightly tire marks that seem to never go away

Preceision level application to ensure even distribution of seed or fertilizer for a uniform professional look